Editor’s note: Bishop-Elect Phoebe Roaf was in Knoxville in March. She was the guest speaker at a Celebration of The Blessed Absalom Jones that was at the Episcopal School of Knoxville and…
Biblical Silence about Slavery Leaves Lasting Questions
OP-ED COMMENTARY By Merdies Hayes, NNPA Weekly News Editor The little girl was guilty of nothing more than hunger. When she was denied sustenance, she made the fatal mistake of demonstrating insolence,…
There’s A Fire in Your House Symposium!
There’s A Fire in Your House Symposium! 4 pm, Sunday, April 7 at Second United Methodist Church, 1524 Western Ave. in coordination with Lennon-Seney United Methodist Men and Women (Dandridge Ave.) Knoxville…
COMPASSION DINNER, Monthly on the 3rd Saturday from 1-4 pm, at Honey Rock Victorious Church Int’l, 4101 Holston Dr. Open to all, and is offered as an effort to help those whose…
PRAYKNOX, monthly meetings at 11 am , on the 4th Saturday at Overcoming Believers Church. Please continue to follow both on Facebook and the website at prayknox.org; or facebook.com/PrayKnoxville.
KICMA Supports Freedom School with $500 Gift
Caption: (L-R) The ladies are Rev. Dr. Vivian Williams, Rev. Mildren Smith, and Freedom School Director Denise Dean. (Second-row L-R) Pastors Charles Lomax, Johny Skinner, Richard S.Brown, Derick Wakefield, Gene Thomas, Jr.,…
Knoxville Native Brings Message of Hope Home
(KNOXVILLE, TN) – “There’s A Fire in Your House” Symposium, 4 pm, Sunday, April 7 at Second United Methodist Church, 1524 Western Ave. co-sponsored by Lennon-Seney United Methodist Men and Women…
Celebrating Past and Present Episcopal Trailblazers
The Rev. Phoebe A. Roaf, Bishop elect of the Episcopalian Diocese of West Tennessee, will be the guest speaker at a community-wide Celebration of the Life and Work of The Blessed Absalom…
Veteran Honors Mom with Christmas Charity for Single Moms
By MusuHawa Hoffman During the holiday’s many families struggled to make ends meet and provide gifts under the tree for their children. Denzel Grant recalls his mom working long hours, and sometimes…
Jewish New Year Celebrated at Holston River Park
By Patricia Williams On a recent Sunday night, the sounding of ram’s horns reverberated through the Holston Hills and Rivershore Estates area. It hailed from the Shomair Yisrael Synagogue. The new neighbors…