Knox County Schools Covid-19 Update #5 Issued April 27th
An important reminder to students and parents. Your child’s grades were made available for your viewing on the Family Portal. Wednesday, April 29th was the deadline for submitting your option for grades for the year. The steps for completing this phase are located on the schools web-site. If students have not submitted their options by Wednesday, we will have to default to their current grade average as their final grade.
If you and your child’s choice is to improve their current score in any subject, they must log in and indicate Option B. This will give them until May 21st to improve their score. Parents, please have this discussion with your kids before the deadline. If you need any assistance, please email me and I will get you the support you need.
Student lunches will be distributed twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays and no longer on Fridays. On Monday, the grab-n-go meals are to include two meals breakfast and two for lunch. On Wednesday pick-up meals should have 6 meals: 3 breakfast and 3 lunch meals.
VIEW RECORDED SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS. Know and take part in the decisions being made for your child’s education. You can watch live recorded school board meetings and decisions made by clicking here.