Women’s March Maryville Huddlers
October 10, 2021
Monday was historically a holiday celebrated as Columbus Day. But as a Lakota man recently said, “Columbus did not discover the New World, he invaded it.” The day is becoming more known as Indigenous Peoples’ Day and for the first time, a sitting president has issued a proclamation hailing it as such. Please toast the Continental, Hawaiian, and Alaskan Native Americans who have lived here for centuries and have continued to taken good care of North America.
Actions for Week of October 10, 2021
- Comment on Foothills Parkway Construction – The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public input concerning the proposed construction of the next section of the Foothills Parkway and access improvements between Wears Valley and the Metcalf Bottoms area in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The new proposed Foothills Parkway section, 8D, would extend the parkway for 9.8 miles from Wears Valley to the Spur near Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. This proposed action would provide direct access to one of the primary entrances to the park. A virtual public meeting will be held on October 14th from 5-6 PM on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85645135682. Comments may be submitted here through from October 31st.
- Thank the White House – The White House announced this past week that Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments will be restored with full protections, reversing a 45-era ruling that shrunk them. You can thank the White House here.
- Good News!
- The Biden administration has overruled a 45-era edit that barred clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) that receive federal funding for family planning from referring patients for abortions.
- The House Oversight Committee has launched an investigation of the disinformation propagated by the fossil fuel industry on the climate crisis.
- For the first time, a malaria vaccine has become available. Children cannot take anti-malarial drugs because of toxicity associated with their long-term use. As a result, >260,000 children <5 years old die of the disease each year. This vaccine reduces severe malaria in children by 30%. It is a good start!
- The people of Missouri passed a referendum in favor of expanding Medicaid a year ago but the governor refused to follow through and asked a court to rule the amendment flawed. The MO Supreme Court ruled this past week that Medicaid expansion must go forward.
- A bill has passed in CA that requires all public schools and colleges to stock restrooms with free menstrual products.
- Educate Yourself
- Learn about NextGen America, an organization dedicated to turning out young voters in key states. NextGen just launched a $32million program aimed at increasing youth voter engagement in TX, AZ, NC, PA, NH, MI, WI, and NV.
- Did you know the Alabama governor intends to use Federal COVID relief money to build more prisons?
- Read how Portland will create 6 homeless shelter villages using COVID relief money.
- Read an op-ed on why the Debt Ceiling should be abolished altogether.
- Did you know that a plan went into effect Friday to slow the mail down and make it more expensive? Nineteen states and Washington DC have filed a formal complaint.
- Polls show that most Americans favor COVID vaccines and disagree with GOP anti-vaxxers.
- Native American tribes in Minnesota are suing to stop planned hunts of gray wolves.
- Learn about the Global Citizen movement to defend the planet and defeat extreme poverty.
- Learn how Sen. Tim Scott turned against his police-reform plan, which sank discussions on the George Floyd Policing Act.
- Did you know that TN leads the nation in COVID-related school closures?
Upcoming Events
Oct. 10-13th, Sun-Wed Midnight-11:30 PM: Maryville College Southern Circuit Film Series: Not Going Quietly. Story of how Ady Barkan, a man stricken with ALS, chances to meet a powerful Senator on an airplane while traveling to protest a bill that will cut into the healthcare programs he needs to survive. The conversation is captured on video, goes viral, and catapults him into the public eye. This film is free and can be viewed online anytime during these 4 days. Click on this link, scroll down to “purchase ticket”, register by entering your email address, create an account and click on preorder. A link to the movie will be sent to you.
Oct. 12th Tues 7-9 PM: West TN Redistricting Hearing. You can attend the meeting virtually at Shelby County Voter Alliance Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SCVA901 and on Mt. Olive Cathedral YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/MOCCME.
Oct. 14th, Thur 6PM: Blood in the Water. Online discussion of TN’s broken bail system. Sponsored by ACLU. Stories told by our rural neighbors will describe how the predatory money bail system empowers bond sharks and prison profiteers to trap Tennesseans in an endless cycle of incarceration. Steps for achieving statewide bond reform will be discussed. To register and receive link, call 615-320-7142.
Oct. 20th, Wed 7PM: What is Critical Race Theory & Why is it Getting Attention Now? Discussion sponsored by SURJ-BC. Discussion leaders will help us understand the origin and implications of CRT and why it has become such a flashpoint. To receive registration details (including suggestions for preparation) for this session, please send a note with CRT in the subject line and your contact information to blountcountysurj@gmail.com .
Oct. 23rd, Sat 10AM-2PM. America Recycles Day. Sponsored by Keep Blount Beautiful. Location: 1st Baptist Church Maryville, 202 W. Lamar Alexander Pkway, Maryville. For more information, visit this website.
Oct. 24-27th, Sun-Wed Midnight-11:30 PM: Maryville College Southern Circuit Film Series: And So I Stayed. This is the story of how the legal system gets domestic violence wrong. It is a moving portrait of Kim, Tanisha, and Nikki, three survivors whose strikingly similar stories are separated by over 30 years. None of them were believed, and each of them was criminalized for fighting back. This film is free and can be viewed online anytime during these 4 days. Click on this link, scroll down to “purchase ticket”, register by entering your email address, create an account and click on preorder. A link to the movie will be sent to you.
Oct. 28th, Thurs 7-9 PM: Maryville Huddle Meeting: 2030 Goals: How The Nature Conservancy is committed to conserving lands, waters and ocean by 2030 globally and in East Tennessee. Speaker is Mr. Alex Wyss, Director of Conservation at TN Nature Conservancy. Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89545888666?pwd=ZlMyQ2pBYVQwMG5pblNVdGt5RTdwUT09. Meeting ID: 895 4588 8666, Passcode: 061690.
Nov. 13th, Sat 11AM: Little River Run 5K. Sponsored by Keep Blount Beautiful and Little River Watershed Association. Location: Townsend Abbey, 7765 River Rd. Townsend. For more information and to sign up, visit this website.
Nov. 20th Sat 11AM-12:30 PM: Statewide Virtual Rally: Throwing a Fit for Health Justice. Sponsored by TN Justice Center. Participants will have an opportunity to hear from health justice advocates, faith and clergy leaders, and HBCU representatives. Register here.
ABOUT: Huddlers of The Women’s March Coalition was inspired by the 2017 Women’s March on Washington, D.C. Huddles are connected divisions in communities with connected Huddles and groups focused on similar missions. There are also subdivisions/smaller Huddle groups focused on a number of issues of importance in their area. Every division of the group is united and supports the suggested actions of the smaller groups. Visit Womens March.com to learn more.