Local agencies offer help for housing, emotional and financial support for young adults to seniors, victims of domestic violence, and others in need.
Knoxville’s Community Development Corporation (KCDC) has secured 25 vouchers to assist young adults ages 18-24 who have aged out of the foster care system.
KCDC recently earned funding through a new federal housing grant for the Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) grant – which is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – based on its track record of Section 8 housing success and its working relationship with the Department of Children’s Services (DCS), which will refer the youth to KCDC.
For more information about Section 8 affordable housing in Knoxville and Knox County, contact KCDC’s Section 8 Housing office at 865-403-1234 or visit here www.kcdc.org.
KCDC taking applications for the new Young High units. KCDC will open its offices for appointments. We continue to answer the door by way of the doorbell system and continue to conduct leasing, applications and recertifications by way of mail, email, online, or in-person if needed.
The CAC Office on Aging provides a wide variety of programs and services that improve the quality of life for older people including direct programs to help them remain in their own homes for as long as possible, health and nutrition services, consumer and home-safety services, in-home services, and educational, recreational, and volunteer opportunities for seniors. In addition to providing direct services, the Office on Aging offers information for older people, their family members, and professionals who provide services for seniors. The office also offers long-range future planning of new resources and existing ones to provide the best possible quality of life for seniors in the community for now and their future.
The Office on Aging offers information in the Elder News and Views free newsletter with current news of interest to seniors, and the Senior Service Directory, a comprehensive resource guide to services for Knoxville and Knox County seniors. For more information click here CAC Office on Aging; email, dottie.lyvers@knoxseniors.org; phone, (865) 524-2786; or fax, (865) 546-0832.
The Family Justice Center offers a myriad of services in coordination with a network of agencies. FJC, 400 Harriet Tubman Street, Knoxville, Tennessee 37915. Call (865) 521-6336. Learn more at fjcknoxville.org
Salvation Army’s Joy D. Baker Center consists of two components: Emergency Shelter Program: A 30 to 60-day emergency shelter serving women with children who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. The shelter also serves homeless women with children and single pregnant women when space is available. Contact info: Blake Craft, Case Manager 865-971-4913, blake.craft@uss.salvationarmy.org. Karen Davis, Case Worker/Housing Specialist 865-971-4913, karen.davis@uss.salvationarmy.org. Transitional Housing Program (Formerly Operation Bootstrap) is a 3 to 6-month transitional housing program for single men and women who are fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. Contact info: Kristi Willingham, Lead Case Manager Supervisor, 865-971-4917, Kristi.willingham@uss.salvationarmy.org. Services available for both components include, but not limited to; Case Management to empower participants to obtain housing, employment, benefits, accomplish personal goals, and maintain self-sufficiency once they leave the program. Services offered also included court advocacy and parenting classes. Group counseling and Life-Skills Classes include topics created to eliminate risk factors to domestic violence and homelessness. Random drug testing, substance misuse education and medication management assists participants with maintaining sobriety. Rapid Rehousing component: provides financial assistance such as deposits (rent, utilities) and rent once housing is obtained. Financial assistance is dependent upon the availability of funds and eligibility.
Financial Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors Impacted by COVID-19. TN Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence has assistance for survivors of a sexual assault or domestic violence, financial assistance for rent, mortgage, or utilities. For more information and to apply, visit tncoalition.org/emergency-financial-assistance; or call (615) 386-9406; or (800) 289-9018. A Spanish language translator is available.