KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (March 4, 2022) – KUB has celebrated Tennessee Arbor Day, March 4th, by planting trees at Habitat for Humanity homes for 14 years. Trees add beauty and life to our community, as well as help conserve energy, increase property values, and clean our air and water. As a participating member of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree Line USA program since 2001, KUB follows best practices in utility arboriculture through quality tree care, annual
worker training, tree planting, and public education.
KUB encourages customers who are interested in planting their own trees to use proper tree planting
techniques; including planting the right species of tree in the right place to avoid future growth into power lines and calling 811 to prevent dig-ins on utility lines during an excavation project.
KUB serves more than 213,000 electric customers and maintains more than 5,000 miles of electric lines. For more information on how to plant the right tree in the right place, Tennessee’s Call 811 system, or KUB’s tree pruning services, visit
KUB is a municipal utility serving Knox and parts of seven adjacent counties and provides electric, gas, water, and wastewater services to more than 473,000 customers.