KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (Feb. 12, 2022) – The Knoxville Animal Welfare Alliance (KAWA) and ChainFree Knoxville have teamed up to advocate for changes to the City of Knoxville animal welfare codes in order to ban the unsupervised tethering of dogs throughout the City of Knoxville.
The impact of constant tethering (chained and restricted) has a detrimental impact on the physical and psychological health of dogs. In addition to their suffering, ignored and distanced from attention, unprotected from the weather (heat, cold and rain), unsupervised tethering can be dangerous by causing accidental choking or hanging. Tethered dogs are known to develop aggressive and nuisance behaviors for neighbors putting undue strain on the city’s resources.
“Our family has a long history of advocacy for animals (and people) and we are asking for you to join us in our mission of improving the welfare of dogs in the City of Knoxville by supporting a full ban on pets being left outside unattended and tethered,” said Julia Roy co-founder of ChainFree Knoxville. (Roy is the granddaughter of Julia Tucker, a recognized established advocate of human rights and animal protection.)
KAWA and ChainFree Knoxville needs your help to encourage City of Knoxville City Council members to support the changes mentioned above and pass them into the City’s current animal control ordinances. Please click here to Contact Your Councilperson to lend your support for these efforts.
The two founded ChainFree Knoxville, a non-profit to install fencing at no charge to owners of chained dogs. Their mission is two-fold – to strengthen the city’s ordinance, and to assist owners with free fencing to not chain their dogs.
Dogs deserve better. Please help to ensure the safety of dogs by: