Knox Pride to host an open house and drive for supplies at its new community and outreach.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (September 2021) – An open house and drive for supplies for the new Knox Pride Community and Outreach Center at 4028 Chapman Highway, Knoxville is planned for 10 am – 6 pm, Sunday, October 3rd. Parking is suggested at Sam Duff Park.
The event is an opportunity for supporting citizens, LGBTQ+ parents and friends, businesses and organizations to meet the center’s board of directors and some of its community supporters, and to make a donation to help equip the center’s administration to assist its clients in emergency times of need with the most requested items. Knox Pride welcomes, and is not limited to the following items:
● Non-perishable food items
● Sanitary products
● Grooming products
● Makeup
● Households goods
The Knox Pride Community and Outreach Center will be a safe space where members of the LGBTQ+ community can get access to connective services, resources, group meetings, participant and enjoy supportive events, and more.
Knox Pride welcomes volunteers, material donations, monetary contributions, volunteers, and especially yours. Please consider making a donation to firmly establishing the Knox Pride Center. To donate, click here
Continuous donations are encouraged and greatly appreciated. To learn more about the Knox Pride Community Center, click here or email