KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (October 2021) – The Hilltop Cruisers had their Fall Cruise-in this Saturday, October 10th. It was an all-day event at the Stateburners Motorcycle Club at 3925 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue in East Knoxville.
You don’t have to be a car or motorcycle enthusiast to stop by, grillers, bakers and cooks offering some of the best bar-b-que, fried fish, red velvet cake and peanut butter cookies are among its members and followers.
Classic cars and trucks, some by the original owners, were on display. It was a visit in a living time capsule. Especially for those who can “remember the time” while providing insights to generations that followed.
The show always includes motorcyclists with mostly newer cycles of all sorts and sizes. Did you know there is a motorcycle trike? It has three wheels! Far from the days of my belated Uncle Jim Webb and my brother Rick Williams who prided their Harley and Kawasaki (Cow) respectively. Yep, along with ink in my blood, I also have oil under my nails.
Many thanks to Terri Williams Kellogg, Photo Credit, for sharing these great pictures with the ET Enlightener. Also, attached below is a “Slappy Adventures” YouTube video of his visit to the event on his way to motorcycle day at English Mountain in Newport Tennessee.
Photo credit Patricia Williams
Enjoy the “Slappy Adventures” YouTube video of his visit to the event on his way to motorcycle day at English Mountain in Newport, TN.