In the face of historic voter suppression bills introduced and enacted in over 40 states, there are activists fighting to protect the Freedom to Vote Act by calling their elected officials, attending rallies, writing letters to the editor, and lobbying their elected representatives and encourage you to do the same.
NATIONWIDE (October 5, 2021) – A voting protections march was in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, October 5th, with representatives from the Declaration for American Democracy, League of Women Voters, People for the American Way, and Black Voters Matter. They were joined by many citizens and supporters.
The groups returned to D.C. to demand that President Biden use his full power to bring lawmakers together and pass federal voting rights legislation for the American people.
A video clip from the voting protections march in Washington D.C. on October 5th, 2021 can be viewed here.
Cliff Albright co-founder of Black Voters Matter was arrested and released for an act of civil disobedience.
A spokesperson stated, “We are so close to being able to pass federal legislation to protect the vote, but there is one more barrier in the way– the filibuster. And we need President Biden’s leadership to make this happen.”