Battlefield Farm and Gardens, 3624 Boyd’s Bridge Pike, Knoxville, provides essential fresh food in the food desert of East Knoxville. Pastor Chris Battle also seeks to feed souls starved of historic knowledge.
Pastor Chris Battle is hosting Tree Talks at 6 pm, Tuesday, July 13th. The first will be an open, honest conversation on Critical Race Theory facilitated by Dr. Todne Thomas, Ph.D. Harvard. You can also visit the conversation on Facebook Live. This is an socially-distanced outside event. Feel free to bring a lawn chair.
Dr. Todne Thomas, PhD, is a socio-cultural anthropologist and Associate Professor of African American Religions at Harvard Divinity School. In collaboration with Afro-Caribbean and African American congregants, Thomas conducts ethnographic research on the racial, spatial, and familial dynamics of black Christian communities in the U.S. Conceptually, her work integrates critical race and kinship theories to understand the racial and moral scripts of evangelicalism and neoliberalism.