Over 30 Districts Received Grant Funding for Middle School STEM and CTE Education
Nashville, TN—Today, the Tennessee Department of Education announced over $700,000 in additional grants will be awarded to districts to fund science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education and middle school career and technical education (CTE).
Four Knox County middle schools earned grants from the Tennessee Department of Education last month. Bearden and Gresham Middle Schools will share a $19,518 STEM Start-up grant, while South-Doyle and Vine Middle Schools will share a $19,286 CTE Career Exploration grant.
Funding is provided through Governor Lee’s Future Workforce Initiative, which is aimed at increasing access to CTE and STEM in the classroom. The Middle School STEM Start-Up Grants will be awarded to schools in 25 districts, and schools in 15 districts will be awarded CTE Career Exploration Grants, with a total of 89 schools receiving grants. To view a list of grant recipients, click here.
The Middle School STEM Start-Up and CTE Career Exploration Grants build upon the Best for All strategic plan to support all students exploring career paths and having access to post-secondary opportunities. Additionally, these grants directly support the goal of the Future Workforce Initiative to add an additional 100 new middle school STEM programs by 2022.
More information is available from TDOE. Congratulations to these school communities!