(March 29, 2020) As we toil through another week of enduring the Covid-19 pandemic, I’m beginning to see people pulling together. The media is showcasing acts of kindness, of the better side of Americans; if you will.
We are being shown pictures of families outside of nursing homes celebrating birthdays, videos of grandchildren driving by grandma’s house waving hello. Neighbors exercising together while maintaining social distancing and the stories continue.
At first glance, one may be lulled into believing that this unity is permanent.
Sadly just as we pulled together after the 911 tragedy, I wonder if these acts are temporary. My hope, my desire, my prayer is that the kindness and love being shown be permanent. It’s often temporary; like “jailhouse religion.” Most of what we are seeing may be the same.
As a minister of the gospel, the answer is simple. Fear is temporary, Love is permanent.
Let’s dig a little deeper into permanent versus temporary and love versus fear.
Many well-meaning preachers who choose to use the threat of hell to move and motivate sinners to repentance only find that very quickly he returns back to a life of sin. Thereby proving that the threat of hell based out on fear is temporary.
Other preachers have come to the realization that love is the most effective means of a sustained relationship with God. It was love that held Christ to the cross. Mere nails were no contest for Christ; his love for his father was the key.
“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42). In this passage, we see that Christ loved His Father and wanted to carry out His will. The more we love God the closer we will draw to Him and thus desire to do His will.
To Americans, my question is, are your acts of kindness temporary or permanent? Are you being kind out of fear or out of love? It is up to each of us to examine ourselves.
In the coming weeks, I encourage you to spend quality time in prayer so that the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 will give you a better vision into yourselves. Change starts within our hearts.
Blessings and (virtual) hugs.