New Foundation adds Project GRAD Knoxville under one umbrella of a Fundraising and Shared Services Organization along with Great Schools Partnership, Community Schools, and Research and Development.
KNOXVILLE, TN (Nov. 26, 2019) – Great Schools Partnership and Project GRAD Knoxville recently announced that both organizations will undergo a change in the organizational structure. A newly formed Knox Education Foundation will serve as the primary fundraising and shared services support organization for Project GRAD Knoxville and Great Schools Partnership.
For the past six years, Project GRAD Knoxville has been an IRS Supporting Organization for Great Schools Partnership. As part of a strategic review and planning process initiated by both the organization’s board of directors, a recommendation was made to end the IRS Supporting Organization relationship and create the Knox Education Foundation.
The Foundation will assume fundraising and oversight of the interests of three programmatic areas: Community Schools, Research and Development and Project GRAD Knoxville. Currently, Community Schools and Research and Development operate as part of Great Schools Partnership. Both boards of directors voted to accept the recommendation.
“A public/private task force spent several months identifying options and determining the best future course of action for the community as a whole,” said Anthony Wise, Co-chair of the Task Force and president of Pellissippi State Community College. “The task force determined that having all three initiatives supported by one organizational structure further streamlines fundraising, finance, and human resources support.
The purpose of the Knox Education Foundation is to provide consistent oversight and sustainability, as well as the opportunity to create a new board structure that will be directly involved in fundraising efforts.” A search for the CEO of the Knox Education Foundation is expected to be announced soon.
There will be no changes to programming impacting students, schools, and families. All programmatic memorandums of understanding with Knox County Schools will remain in effect.
“It’s business as usual when it comes to continuing the excellent support and programs offered by Great Schools Partnership and Project GRAD Knoxville,” said Larry Mauldin, Co-chair of the Task Force.
About Great Schools Partnership
Great Schools Partnership was founded in 2005 as a non-profit charitable trust to support Knox County Schools. Today, Great Schools share the common vision of creating the best schools in the South. Key initiatives include Community Schools, Leaders for Readers, TeacherPreneur, Arts Integrated Tutoring, and Thank A Teacher among others. Great Schools serves as an advocate, research and development, and operational partner for the school system focusing on initiatives that promote reading and early literacy, college and career readiness, quality educators and eliminating disparities. To learn more about Great Schools Partnership, visit
About Project GRAD Knoxville
Project GRAD Knoxville, established in 2001, is a nationally recognized K-16 (elementary through post-secondary) education non-profit program known for helping to improve post-secondary attendance and completion rates among students from disadvantaged circumstances. Project GRAD aims to provide young people in 14 Center City Knoxville schools with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills, and opportunities they need to achieve success throughout school and after their graduation. By focusing on improving postsecondary awareness and graduation rates, college and career path readiness, and postsecondary completion rates, Project GRAD works to ensure academic and professional success, addressing barriers in the process. To learn more about Project GRAD; visit