Ranked Choice Tennessee is presenting an interactive and educational demonstration of voting methods, 1:30- 3:30 pm, Sat. Aug 3, at The Birdhouse, 800 N. 4th Ave. Knoxville.
At this event, participants will vote in alternative methods to the current election process. The outcomes will be evaluated and shared. Q&A will follow.
RCTN wants to show how small adjustments or alternatives to the current system may; result in the voter’s majority choices, be more convenient to voters, and be more cost-effective than having two elections – a primary followed by a general election.
RCTN has introduced an alternative solution to the current system of voting that has been in place for decades. It would have a large impact on elections by making them more impartial as well as saving both taxpayers and municipalities time and money.
Voters and candidates are encouraged to attend. To RSVP visit: https://forms.gle/YsoYT1SygFFh9zT1A. For more information, contact Aaron Fowles at aaron@rankedchoicetn.org.