(KNOXVILLE, TN) Recent events in Knox County have made it abundantly clear how important it is that we proudly stand in support of the LGBTQ+ community. I invite you to walk with me in the Knox Pride Parade on Saturday. Join me as we work towards a Knoxville that is inclusive, equitable, with love for ALL our neighbors.
Staging for the parade will take place on Saturday, June 22 starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Jackson Avenue and Patton Street surface lot (under James White Parkway next to Barley’s). The parade will last until roughly 12 pm, but we encourage our supporters to stick around for Pride Fest!
If you are interested in marching with the campaign, please click here to sign up or contact Carter at carter@kincannonformayor.com with any questions.
Hope to see you there!