‘KAT for Kids’ means flexibility for after-school activities and convenience for families.
Indya Kincannon announced her plan to make buses
free for kids as part of her agenda to connect families to opportunity as Knoxville mayor.
“Every parent I know juggles transportation logistics, and for parents who work hourly jobs, who don’t have access to cars, or who are single parents, the challenge is even harder,” Kincannon
said. “KAT for Kids would connect families to opportunity while making it more affordable and convenient to get around.”
“KAT for Kids” would allow every kid in the city to ride Knoxville Area Transit buses for free until they graduate high school. The program would complement the school bus services provided by
Knox County Schools, adding more flexibility for students for sports, tutoring and after-school jobs. KAT for Kids will cut emissions, teach responsibility to teenagers, and also cultivate a new generation of bus riders.
“We stay so busy with work, school, sports and all of my kids’ activities,” Deidra Rudder said. “Having Henry ride the city bus helps me get his younger brother to school and me to work on
About Indya Kincannon: Indya Kincannon served on the Knox County Board of Education from 2004-2014, leading the
$450m, 8000 employee organization as Chair for three years. She helped create the Great Schools Partnership and served on the Project GRAD Board for 10 years. In recent years Kincannon served under Mayor Madeline Rogero as Special Program Manager, overseeing grants, board appointments, and efforts to connect people to affordable health care. She and her husband, Ben, reside in the 4th & Gill neighborhood with their two daughters, Dahlia and Georgia.
Kincannon for Mayor headquarters at 1211 N. Central St. next door to the Time Warp Tearoom in Happy Holler; or visit kincannonformayor.com; call (865) 226-9067; email Info@KincannonforMayor.com.