3rd Annual Community Arts Giant Puppet Parade in
East Knoxville on Saturday, May 11th
(KNOXVILLE, TN) – On Saturday, May 11th, Cattywampus Puppet Council will host its 3rd annual giant puppet community art parade.
This year’s parade theme is “I See You.” Community members have crafted individual and collaborative giant puppets, masks, costumes, flags, and other art around this theme and parade together as one. For more information, visit www.cattywampuspuppetcouncil.com.
The parade line up begins at 11am at Dr. Walter Hardy Park and will kick off at noon and conclude with a block party from 1-4pm at Paul Hogue Park at the corner of Chestnut and Selma. The block party will feature live hip-hop, spoken word, and dance performances, as well as art making, play, and garden activities for all ages. Both the parade and block party are free and open to all.
The parade is an effort to bring community members of all ages and backgrounds together to share their stories and collective concerns through visual and performing arts. The Appalachian Puppet Pageant is produced in partnership with Carpetbag Theatre, African American Appalachian Arts, Inc, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, and additional supporting community organizations.
Resources for learning how to build giant puppets and make other art for the parade can also be found on the Cattywampus Puppet Council website. Cattywampus is currently looking for volunteers for the day of the parade, as well as donations of supplies and financial support. Information about getting involved with the parade is available on the group’s website at Appalachian Puppet Pageant.