The City of Knoxville is accepting applications from non-profit agencies seeking funding for programs that work to reduce and end homelessness in Knoxville.
These annually awarded grants may include funding from multiple sources, including the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Tennessee Housing and Development Agency (THDA), and the City of Knoxville.
Grants will be awarded to agencies whose proposals serve the high-priority need of reducing and ending homelessness as defined in the 2015-2019 Five-Year Consolidated Plan. Programs that have received Homeless Grants Program funding in past years include those that: reach out to individuals and families living on the street; provide emergency shelter and services; help to rapidly re-house individuals and families, to help prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless.
All agencies receiving this funding are required to participate in the local Homeless Management Information System ( or other approved comparable database. HMIS is a linked database that helps providers of services, shelter, and housing for people experiencing homelessness to coordinate services while avoiding duplication. The system provides community-wide data on homelessness, as well as reporting information and measurements of success for individual agencies.
Updated application forms and additional information are available on the City’s website at, under “Current Grant Opportunities” at the top of the page. Completed forms must be received by the City of Knoxville’s Community Development Department by 12 p.m. (noon), Friday, Feb. 22, 2019.
Unlike previous years, no mandatory Technical Assistance Workshop will be held. All questions and concerns, particularly from first-time applicants, should be submitted to Linda Rust at 865-215-2357 or email